Our New Products from Mama Beans On Holy Grounds!
Welcome to February! We are so excited to roll out our first 2 new coffee mugs!
Our first coffee mug "SHE-BREWS To Lead Too", is our specialty mug. All women need to know that they can lead too! We hope that you enjoy our specialty mug. Our second mug is for everybody, Mama Beans Coffee mug! It is our logo, and we are so excited that we have the opportunity to share this mug of love with you.
Please keep us in your prayers as we move forward towards our 1st year anniversary next month. We will have a wonderful drawing, and the winner will receive a mug and latest book..."Born To Be A Boss!" Also mark your calendars, I will be having my book signing launch on March 24th, at the Carl Maxey Center here in Spokane from 6 to 8 p.m. and I'm excited to be collaborating with 4 other amazing women authors and writers, and we will be introducing all four of our coffees...
I want to thank my subscribers for your continued support. I want you to remember that our coffee is coffee with a purpose, the coffee proceeds goes to our Brown Girls Magic Mentoring and Leadership. When your purchase our coffee it helps support our local roaster Indaba, and it helps support our global coffee bean farmers.