Welcome To January, new month, new season new year!

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Hey everyone,

I know that it's half way through January already! But I just wanted to drop a line to let you know that we are still here after 1 long hard year. Our sales have been up and down, some days better than others, but we are keeping the faith because we know that this is a dream come true.  As a one woman show for the time being I am excited to say that we are making changes in regards to adding a new marketing person to help market Mama Beans On Holy Grounds.  It's good to recognize when you know your limitations of what you can do, and what you cannot do.  

Also we will be rolling out some new coffees, so stay tuned to that, and also some new coffee mugs, t-shirts for 2024.  

I also want to thank my subscribers for your continued support of Mama Beans On Holy Grounds.  Without your support overall, we would not be able to continue to move forward with our online coffee business.

On another note, I wanted to let you know that we will not be opening up a local coffee shop.  We are taking a new direction, and I will keep you posted on this new and exciting venture.  

This is a short blog post for now, but I just wanted to say to each and everyone of you "Thank you," from the bottom of my heart.  Please pray for us as we continue to move forward, because truly our coffee is coffee with a purpose.  

Lastly, in closing, as you know my Brown Girls Magic Leadership has always been a passion of mine to see young women of color succeed in leadership.  I will be retiring in 4 months, and I want to continue to support Brown Girls Magic Leadership outside of Whitworth University. So, as I relaunch into a new chapter in my life, Brown Girls Magic Leadership will stay afloat, and it will immerse into community.  There are many young women who desire to lead, and I want to instill in them that they are more than capable of leading, learning and loving leadership!

Stay tuned to the next chapter of Brown Girls Magic, Sprinkling Our Leadership to Make a Better World.

Take care, and thank you again for you love, prayers and support of Mama Beans On Holy Grounds. Here's to serving you the best "Heavenly Coffee"

God Bless!

Mama Beans



1 comment

  • Posted on by Paula Lou Edmunds
    I have not had good coffee, until I tasted this coffee. All i can say is To God be the glory.


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